<360> © Peter Dimakos, Justhuman Workshop
Construction architecturale spectaculaire, <360> encercle le public avec un mur de 16 écrans géants et l'immerge dans un univers sonore et visuel.
Cette pièce, présentée pour la première fois à la Grande Halle de la Villette dans le cadre du festival Villette Numérique à Paris (FR) en septembre 2002, est disponible en version spectacle ou installation.
Une version 3D a par ailleurs été créée pour l' AVIE - Advanced Visualisation and Interaction Environment de Jeffrey Shaw au ZKM, Karlsruhe (D) en septembre 2017.
<360> is a spectacular audio-visual architecture that completely immerses the audience in digital sound and video - what the artist considers to be the electronic counterpart to a natural maelstrom. Originally conceived as a hybrid structure it merges material and immaterial components, to create a new form of virtual theatre.
An enveloping wall of sixteen 12x9 foot audio-video projections surrounds the audience. Using modulations of light, colour and sound, it flickers and whirls, at times creating a soothing space of meditation and at other times, a heightened sense of intense excitement.
The sound partly displayed by multiple numbers of small obscured loudspeakers and at its low end powered by a battery of subwoofers engulfs the person rather than creating distinct sound events at localizable positions. Changes happen at a moment in time rather than at a position in the space. The overall structure and length of the piece supports a perception of an endless continuum. Perfectly reflecting the rapid advances in high technology that characterize Granular-Synthesis era, <360> builds on cinematic scale and dramaturgy to create an abstract theatrical experience in which electronic floes replace the traditional performer. |