epidemic home
  Jean Michel Bruyère / LFKs  FR
  Dumb Type  JP
  DU Zhenjun  CN/FR
  Ex Machina / Robert Lepage  QC, CA
  Ivana Franke  HR/DE
  Granular-Synthesis Kurt Hentschläger and Ulf Langheinrich  AT
  Kurt Hentschläger  AT/US
  Ryoji Ikeda  JP
  Ulf Langheinrich  DE
  Ryuichi Sakamoto + Shiro Takatani  JP
  Rihoko Sato  JP
  Shiro Takatani  JP
  Saburo Teshigawara and Rihoko Sato / Karas  JP
  Six holograms from L'ENFER by Henri-Georges Clouzot   FR
Jean Michel Bruyère / LFKs  FR
• Since 2010 LA DISPERSION DU FILS by Jean Michel Bruyère
with Matthew McGinity, Delphine Varas and Thierry Arredondo
(for the AVIE by Jeffrey Shaw)
Permanent installation at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) - Laboratory for Experimental Museology (eM+), Lausanne (CH)
and at the New South Wales University iCinema Centre, Sydney (AU)
• Since 2016 Tour-Reservoir — first generative web-series still online www.tour-reservoir.com
• Since 2019 SUP DE SUB Mark Hubbard is a special program of self-education for school drop-out young adults in the suburb of Paris - Jean-Paul Curnier / Bobigny Seine-Saint-Denis campus - and in the south of France - Issa Samb / Aix-Marseille Provence-, directed by Jean Michel Bruyère and LFKs, in partnership with educational institutions and cultural organisations.

Faire sa vie [comme une œuvre] (2021)
RELAPSE (movie, 2022)
Le Goût du Capri-Sonne (podcast)
VSF (Very Short Films)
a film by Papisthione, produced by LFKs
University conference: Art, childhood, politics,Collège des Bernardins, Paris (FR)
• 16 NOV 24 IDM (INNER DIRECT METAPHYSICS) — movie MC93, scène nationale de la Seine-Saint-Denis - Nouvelle Salle, Bobigny (FR)
• 21 NOV 24
Public presentations of active and creative research laboratories by students from the two SUP DE SUB campuses - MH - screenings and debates
MC93, scène nationale de la Seine-Saint-Denis, Bobigny (FR)
• 23 NOV 24 Forum of creations by SUP DE SUB students - MH in 2024
(presentations of creations, photo exhibition, DJ set, radio, screenings)
MC93, scène nationale de la Seine-Saint-Denis, Bobigny (FR)
• In preparation Other cycles of creations linked to SUP DE SUB:

Violence and Institutions: an exploration of the links and the nature of the links between the human violence and institutions.
> Adaptations of Ovid's Metamorphoses, for immersive 3D 360° display and VR or AR screening.
Dumb Type  JP
From 1st NOV 24 Dumb Type - WINDOWS — exhibition in public space WORK with ART, Museum Tower Kyobashi,
Tokyo (JP)
Installations on tour or part of permanent collections:
> 2022: remap — adapted version of the work exhibited in the Japanese Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2022
> pH
DU Zhenjun  CN/FR
• 02 JUN - 29 SEP 24 A selection of recent oil paints from the Volot Collection Témoins d'humanité, Centre d’art contemporain de l’abbaye d’Auberive (FR)
• 04 - 07 NOV 24 Les récits photographiques de ... Du Zhenjun Photo Doc, new documentary photography fair, Hôtel de l'Industrie, Paris (FR)
• 15 NOV - 21 DEC 24 Babel World Vessels of Memory, Pearl Lam Galleries, Hong Kong
Ex Machina / Robert Lepage   QC, CA
(Europe and Japon)
• Since 2010 FRAGMENTATION - adaptation by Richard Castelli and
Volker Kuchelmeister of three scenes from Lipsynch
directed by Robert Lepage, for the ReACTOR designed by Sarah Kenderdine and Jeffrey Shaw
Permanent installation at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) - Laboratory for Experimental Museology (eM+), Lausanne (CH)
• Until 20 APR 25 Wrestling: Québec in the Ring — exhibition Musée de la civilisation, Quebec City (CA)
• 10 SEP 24 SLAM! — theatre, professional wrestling, circus
by FLIP Fabrique and Ex Machina / Robert Lepage
Maison de la culture de Gatineau (CA)
• 28 SEP 24 SLAM! Meany Hall, Seattle (US)
• 01 OCT (preview)
03 OCT - 26 NOV 24
Glaube, Geld, Krieg und Liebe, by Robert Lepage, in collaboration with actors from the Schaubühne ensemble Schaubühne Berlin (DE)
• 04 - 06 OCT 24 SLAM!
Cal Performances University of California,
Berkeley (US)
• 24 OCT - 09 NOV 24 Courville Le Diamant, Quebec City (CA)
• 25 - 26 OCT 24 SLAM! Annenberg Center, Philadelphie (US)
• 30 OCT 24 SLAM! Center for the Performing Arts, Eisenhower Auditorium, University Park (US)
• 12 NOV 24 SLAM! CINARS Biennale, Théâtre Maisonneuve,
Montreal (CA)
• 16 - 23 NOV 24 The Seven Streams of the River Ōta Festval de Otonõ, Teatros del Canal, Madrid (ES)
• 23 - 24 NOV 24 Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
by Ex Machina / Robert Lepage + Côté danse / Guillaume Côté
Harris Theater for Music and Dance, Chicago (US)
• 01 - 02 DEC 24 SLAM! Maison des arts Desjardins, Drummondville (CA)
• 05 DEC 24 SLAM! Salle Desjardins Telus, Rimouski (CA)
• 14 DEC 24 SLAM! Centre des arts de Baie-Comeau (CA)
• 07 - 08 FEB 25 Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Salle Michel Côté, Alma (CA)
• 13 - 22 FEB 25 Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Festival Danse Danse, Théâtre Maisonneuve,
Place des Arts, Montreal (CA)
• 18 - 19 APR 25 Hamlet, Prince du Danemark
Straz Center, Tempa (US)
• 08 - 11 MAY 25 Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Le Diamant, Quebec City (CA)
Ivana Franke  HR/DE
• Until 24 NOV 24 Traveling on a non-orientable one-sided surface to the point of origin, while flipping upside down (drawing) By the Means at Hand, project by Vlatka Horvat, Croatian Pavilion, La Biennale di Venezia (IT)
• 03 OCT 24 - 09 MAR 25 Half a minute Thought Brain(s), curated by Ricard Solé and Emily Sargent, Centro de Historias de Zaragoza (ES)
• From 18 OCT 24 We close our eyes and see a flock of birds Kunsthalle Barmen - Shared Spaces, Grand opening, Wuppertal (DE)
Granular-Synthesis Kurt Hentschläger and Ulf Langheinrich  AT
• 05 DEC 24 MODELL 5 Recombinant, Gray Area, San Francisco (US)

Kurt Hentschläger  AT/US

• Since 2010 VIEW Permanent installation at Los Angeles airport (CA, US)
• 24 - 27 OCT 24 SUB KIKK festival, CAVEMA - Grand Manège, Namur (BE)
• Upcoming PARADOX PARK — installation, VR environment and performance
Ryoji Ikeda  JP
Performances: EPIDEMIC | mail@epidemic.net
ultratronics [live set] : LittleBig Agency | ned@lb-agency.net
Visual creation and installations: Ryoji Ikeda Studio | admin@ryojiikeda.com | www.ryojiikeda.com
codex | edition
• Until 13 OCT 24 micro | macro [pavilion] — with Nuno Brandão Costa, architect Commissioned by Fundação de Serralves,
Fundação de Serralves, Porto (PT)
• 14 SEP 24 - 05 JAN 25 point of no return — installation Breath(e): Toward Climate and Social Justice, PST ART: Art and Science Collide, curated by Glenn Kaino and Mika Yoshitak, The Hammer Museum
Los Angeles (US)
• 19 SEP 24 100 cymbals by Percussion Studio of Musik-Akademie Basel / FHNW FOG Festival, Kaserne Basel (CH)
• 20 SEP - 20 NOV 24 archives We will meet again again again: French - China Art Exhibition, curated by Li Zhenhua,
Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing (CN)
• 05 OCT 24 100 cymbals by Les Percussions de Strasbourg Musica focus, L'Arsenal, Metz (FR)
• 27 OCT 24 - 07 MAY 25 test pattern [n°15] Ennova Art Biennale, ENNOVA Art Museum, Langfang (CN)
• 02 NOV 24 Ryoji Ikeda — acoustic concert with Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir Estonian National Museum, Tartu (EE)
• 02 NOV 24 - 02 MAR 25 Ryoji Ikeda — solo exhibition Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture, curated by Kati Torp, Estonian National Museum, Tartu (EE)
• 07 MAR - 03 AUG 24 Ryoji Ikeda — solo exhibition urated by Michael Rooks, The High Museum of Art, Atlanta (US)
• 20 MAR 25 music for percussion by Alexandre Babel, Stéphane Garin and
Frames Percussion
Subsònic, L'Auditori, Barcelone (ES)
Ulf Langheinrich  DE/GH
(for the AVIE by Jeffrey Shaw)
Permanent installation at the Hong Kong City University School of Creative Media
• Since 2010 ALLUVIUM (for the AVIE by Jeffrey Shaw) Permanent installation at the New South Wales University iCinema Centre, Sydney (AU)
• Upcoming CONTROL — new peformance based on traditional dance styles from Ghana, with two female dancers, 3D and strobes
Ryuichi Sakamoto + Shiro Takatani  JP
• 21 DEC 24 - 30 MAR 25 Ryuichi Sakamoto | seeing sound, hearing time — exhibition MOT - Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (JP)
• 28 SEP - 24 NOV 24 TIME-déluge — video and sound installation Forest Festival of the Arts Okayama: Clear-skies Country, Nagi Museum of Contemporary Art (Nagi MOCA) (JP)
• 13 - 15 MAR 25 TIME — performance with Min Tanaka (dance), Mayumi Miyata (shō), Rin Ishihara (dance) Hong Kong Arts Festival, Lyric Theatre, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Rihoko Sato  JP
• Upcoming Light My Fire — new solo performance
Shiro Takatani  JP
 • Until 15 DEC 24 Ryuichi Sakamoto +YCAM InterLab: Forest Symphony Yamaguchi Seasonal 2024,
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM], Joeiji Temple, Yamaguchi (JP)
• 06 SEP - 01 DEC 24 White Landscape - Fog Sculpture #47769 with Fujiko Nakaya Himeji City Museum of Art garden (JP)
Saburo Teshigawara and Rihoko Sato / Karas  JP
• Since JUN 10 DOUBLE DISTRICT (for the ReACTOR by Sarah Kenderdine and Jeffrey Shaw) Permanent installation at the Hong Kong City University School of Creative Media
• 14 - 23 SEP 24 Update dance #105 - Metamorphosis (Kafka) Karas Apparatus, Tokyo (JP)
• 12 - 21 OCT 24 Update dance #106 - Eclipse Karas Apparatus, Tokyo (JP)
• 17, 27 OCT,
02, 09 NOV 24
Verwandlung Teshigawara: Like a Human + Metamorphose
for the Ballett Basel
Theater Basel (CH)
• 02 - 11 NOV 25 Update dance #107 - Phantasm Karas Apparatus, Tokyo (JP)
• 07 - 16 DEC 25 Update dance #108 - Beethoven
(Saburo Teshigawara, Rihoko Sato, Ophelia Young)
Karas Apparatus, Tokyo (JP)
• 28 DEC 25 Bounen 2024
Karas Apparatus, Tokyo (JP)
• 11 - 20 JAN 25 Update dance #109 - Dream (John Cage) Karas Apparatus, Tokyo (JP)
• 20-26 FEB 25 Design of Time — 42+PEOPLE & Saburo Teshigawara
(Saburo Teshigawara, Rihoko Sato, Václav Kuneš)
Studio Maiselovka, Prague (CZ)
• 02 MAR 25 The Idiot Teatro Cucinelli, Solomeo (IT)
• 08 - 09 MAR 25 Waltz La Triennale di Milano (IT)
• 11 MAR 25 The Idiot Teatro Grande, Brescia (IT)
• 19 - 22 MAR 25 Waltz The Coronet Theatre, London (UK)
• 27 MAR 25 Adagio Belgrade Dance Festival, Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Belgrade (SR)
• 09 APR 25 Garden in the Sky with Jonathan Roozeman (cello) Schrit_tmacher Festival, Theater Heerlen - RABOzaal, Heerlen (NL)
Six holograms of Romy Schneider from L'ENFER  FR
By Henri-Georges Clouzot, with Richard Castelli and Martina Mrongovius
Courtesy of Lobster Films Paris
Thanks to Serge Bromberg

Past exhibitions:

• October 2017: Visions, Halles de Schaerbeek, Brussels (BE)
• August - October 2019: Holographic Embodiment, HoloCenter on Governors Island, New York (US)
• March - June 2022: PORTRAITS, Musée de la Ville de Belfort - Tour 46 (FR)
• April - July 2023: DIMENSIONS — Digital Art since 1859, Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V., Pittlerwerke, Leipzig (DE)
Shiro Takatani — ST\LL
Christian Partos — The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Ulf Langheinrich — GHOST

Past exhibitions:

   • April 2014 - January 2015: Robotic Art, Cité des sciences et de l'industrie à Paris (FR)
   • July - September 2016: Digital Water Games, ZKM, Karlsruhe (DE)
   • October - November 2016: Digitalife 7, Romaeuropa Festival , MACRO Testaccio - La Pelanda, Rome (IT)
   • April - July 2017: Body Media II, Power Station of Art, Shanghai (CN)
   • October 2017: Visions, Halles de Schaerbeek, Brussels (BE)
   • November 2017: Festival VIA , Manège Maubeuge - Scène Nationale (FR)
   • April - July 2023: DIMENSIONS — Digital Art since 1859, Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V., Pittlerwerke, Leipzig (DE)
Since fifteen years, Richard Castelli has curated a wide range of exhibitions in Berlin, Istanbul, Paris, Rome, Shanghai, among others.

Any sort of exhibitions can be proposed, based on already developed concepts or on demand.
A tribute to Vera Molnar, including masterpieces from the artist and a collection of works by several artists. First presentation at the Ludgwig Museum Budapest from February to April 2024.

With: Vera MOLNAR and Refik ANADOL, Arno BECK, Snow Yunxue FU, Mario KLINGEMANN, Patrick LICHTY,
Frieder NAKE, Casey REAS, Antoine SCHMITT, Erwin STELLER, Tamiko THIEL and /p, u2p050, Iskra VELITCHKOVA,
aurèce vettier, Mark WILSON, Samuel YAN

A co-operation between Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur and Ludwig Museum Budapest
Curators: Richard Castelli and Zsófia Máté
Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation,
Pera Museum, Istanbul (TR)
• Upcoming DIMENSIONS - Digital Art since 1859 — virtual visit of the exhibition presented from April to July 2013 Pittlerwerke, Leipzig (DE), by Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V., chief curator: Richard Castelli, co-curators: Dan Xu, Clara Blume
> École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) - Laboratory for Experimental Museology (eM+), Lausanne (CH) (visit on appointment):

DOUBLE DISTRICT by Saburo Teshigawara,
FRAGMENTATION after Lipsynch by Robert Lepage,
both for the ReACTOR by Sarah Kenderdine and Jeffrey Shaw

> New South Wales University iCinema Centre, Sydney (AU):

ALLUVIUM by Ulf Langheinrich,
LA DISPERSION DU FILS by Jean Michel Bruyère / LFKs,
both for the AVIE by Jeffrey Shaw

> Los Angeles airport (CA, US):

VIEW by Kurt Hentschläger

> Kunstfonds des Freistaates Sachsen der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden (DE) :

NOLANDX-01-2 d'Ulf Langheinrich

> Musée d'Art contemporain de Lyon (FR):

LAND by Ulf Langheinrich

> Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, Kunstfonds des Freistaates Sachsen der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen, Dresden (DE):

NOLANDX-01-2 by Ulf Langheinrich