Berliner Festspiele
Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin, Germany
28 October 2007 - 14 January 2008
Romy Achituv - BeNowHere Interactive
Gregory Barsamian - No, Never Alone, The Scream
Jean Michel Bruyère / LFKs - CaMg(CO3)2, Si poteris narrare, licet (EVE Interactive Cinema)
Du Zhenjun - Presumption
Dumb Type - Voyages
Brad Hwang - Time May Change Me, I Can't Change Time
Kai - Feuerkasten
Sarah Kenderdine & Jeffrey Shaw - PLACE-Hampi
Ulf Langheinrich - HEMISPHERE
Marie Maquaire - Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu, Berlin
Thomas McIntosh with Emmanuel Madan & Mikko Hynninen - Ondulation
David Moises - Hanoscop
Nam Jun Paik - Candle TV
Christian Partos - M.O.M. (Multi Oriented Mirror), Striptease, Visp
Erwin Redl - FLOW Berlin
Joachim Sauter & Dirk Lüsebrink (ART+COM) - The Invisible Shape of Things Past
Jeffrey Shaw - EVE Interactive Cinema
Pierrick Sorin - Quelques inventions remarquables
Shiro Takatani - Camera Lucida, Chrono
Saburo Teshigawara - Light Behind Light
Curator: Richard Castelli (Epidemic)
From Spark to Pixel is an exhibition which presents four states of "the immaterial". Starting with fire, the first domesticated energy, the exhibition follows man's development and transformation of energy production to ever higher degrees of sophistication that has followed in parallel to his own evolution. Electricity, light, and now the pixel which, like the spark for fire, is the basic cell of the electronic image. Fundamentally spectacular because of its subject, From Spark to Pixel is also an eye-opening voyage into the most impressive expressions of the today's art. |