NOISEGATE © Granular-Synthesis
NOISEGATE is an area of encaged virtual beings.
This artificial area reflects the human desire for total control and for world creation through exaggeration and refusal. The head-creatures are authentic fiction and realistically unreal. The movements of the visitors, processed into machine code, give (chaotic) life to the installation. The audience is in this respect being mirrored via the animated creatures they are staring at, so in many aspects they are looking at themselves and, of course, at the particular (media-machine) society they live in.
After an intensive start, there come days and weeks in which the whole situation in the installation moves towards emptiness and noise. For visitors of that zone, it is as though they are tapping on the glass of crocodile tanks in the zoo, but the animals do not respond. The knowledge that they could react becomes increasingly sinister.
Performer: Michael Krammer
Technical Director & Realtime AV-Software Development: Dirk Langheinrich
Production Assistent Granular Synthesis: Cai Mosich
Recordingconstruction "Head Shooting Device": Leo Schatzl
Cameraman, Light: Wolfgang Lehner
Life Control Surfaces and Embedded Compositional Forms: Garnet Willis
Sensordesign in cooperation with ARCHIMEDIA Linz,
Institute for Arts and Technology: Sensor-Environment, Technical Consultant: Hermann Gruber
Motiondetection Software: Stefan Hainzer
AV Matrix and Emergency Unit: Werner Frey
Technical Coordination: Philipp Krummel, Harald Trapp
Architecture Concept: Wilhelm Kühas
NOISEGATE is a co-production by:
MAK - Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst , Vienna
Marstall - Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, München
Créteil Maison des Arts / Le Manège Scène Nationale de Maubeuge
Hull Time Based Arts, Hull
Muziekcentrum De IJsbreker, Amsterdam
Kunstverein Hannover
Granular Synthesis, Wien.
Curator MAK: Bettina M. Busse
MAK would like to thank:
Ministry for Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal Republic of Austria Der Kunstverein
Kunstverein Hannover would like to thank the Land Lower Saxony for his generous support.
De IJsbreker Music Centre is financially supported by the Amsterdam City - Council and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Science.
Hull Time Based Arts is supported by:
The Arts Council of England / Kingston Upon Hill City Council / Photo '98 - Principal Sponsor Canon / Yorkshire & Humberside Arts / ACI.
The project was financially supported by:
BKA - Chancellery of the Federal Republic of Austria - Department for the Arts / O.Ö.Kultur / Wien Kultur / Archimedia.
GRANULAR SYNTHESIS would like to thank
Bettina Bartsch Herzog, Christine Boehler, Reinhard Braun, Birgit Flos, Verena Formanek, Christine Frisingelli, Martin Fritz, Lotte Hentschläger, Ursula Hentschläger, Katja Körner, Herwig Turk, Zelko Wiener.
FOR MUSIC - Ing. Dietmar Lausegger
FISCHER FILM, Linz - Markus Fischer
WUK - Werkstätten und Kulturhaus Wien.
MEDA - Neuer Sinn Neue Kraft