WAVEFORM B © Ulf Langheinrich
WAVEFORM is about interference and sync. Scans of incoming waves at the Ghanaian coast were denatured by changing the time perspective within the projected image. The material becomes even more artificial as it is presented as sterile hermetic and endlessly repeated loops which inherit the spirit of the original reality. However, these loops seem to move and change organically due to gradually reforming overlays of synthetic material. A meta-sync clocks all four independent projections and defines a hard and dark overall tone in this installation.
Two versions are available:
WAVEFORM B (2005-2008)
On a black floor occurs a white stripe of glowing light that is displaying minimal structures in subtle movement and various amplitudes of pure colour. Since the image emanates from a stripe on the floor, the viewer is strongly suggested to come and stay close in order to actually see something. The subtlety in which the visual material develops can only be experienced in this position and therefore the position of a viewer is assumed to be defined. Looking down WAVEFORM B appears as an abstract visual flow moulded from images based on the notion of noise and interference. The two main elements are visual noise that is in constant permutation and drift and long empty waves of monochrome light, both displayed by a chain of conventional image projectors. These images appear very even, consistent and without direction and result in visual qualities of symphonic noise permutations or as aseptic, pure, at times empty. The absence of signs, gestures or objects in the apparently dimensionless audiovisual meta-movement evokes the notion of primal aesthetic matter.
In addition small sparks of high amplitude light re-define the perception of those low amplitude light-waves. These sparks are emitted by stroboscope lamps. They are indeed crucial for the specific visual impression. Other than the precisely defined area of the projected image that seems to happen exactly on the surface of the projection-field the strobe-lights function like small borderless flashes that are flooding the whole space in miniature time segments.
The space is silenced and defined in it overall atmosphere by a warm and low spatial sound, that could be described as a frozen harmonic cluster slowly rotating around its harmonic centre. It occurs un-localised and 3-dimensionaly spatial, displayed by small speakers and sub-woofers. This sound colours and superposes the noises and acoustic events that may randomly unsettle the area but it generates a delicate and subtle tension of its own
Sound and image appear only seldom in actual sync although all is synchronously controlled by a master computer. However, it is the exclusion of computer aided interactivity that activates and empowers the viewers sensitivities releasing them from the promise of navigation and allowing them to accept the internalisation of their activity as viewers, or experiences. WAEFORM B is intended to create a distinct quality of cognition in the space, oscillations, temperature, density: Silence.
Permiered in September 2005 in Ars Electronica 2005 Festival, Linz.
First version
Concept, image, sound: Ulf Langheinrich
Compositing and generic image creation, control environment: Wolfgang Schwarzenbrunner
Premiere: 01 September 2005, Festival Ars Electronica 2005, Linz (AT)
Final version
Sound and image: Ulf Langheinrich
Playback software: Dirk Langheinrich
Premiere: 7 February 2006, MediaLabMadrid, Madrid (ES)
WAVEFORM A (2005-2008) Image, sound and light composition: Ulf Langheinrich
Compositing and 3D assistance: Wolfgang Schwarzenbrunner, Gerhard Daurer
Playback software version 2: Dirk Langheinrich
Production: ACMI Melbourne
Premiere 18 August 2005: "White Noise" group exhibition, Screen Gallery, Melbourne (AU)