© Ulf Langheinrich
NOLANDX is an audiovisual composition.
Patterns synchronized in sound and image are organised along a cyclic basic structure. The image planes are the aesthetic nucleus of the work, along with algorithmically generated noise and lines as well as recordings of ocean waves. This referential source material is significantly transformed by slit-scan and other interventions on the time level – all time sequences are shifted. Everything is in a state of increasing transformation. The image and image-flow manipulations are like steep filters, not independent of the material fed into the filter, but significantly transforming it. The pictorial space appears gelatinous, sometimes crumbly, diffusely hyper-sharp, a pulsating, stereoscopically blackand- white space, glassy, dark. Qualities such as elasticity, viscosity, depth and temperature describe this space.
Premiere: 5 September 2019, Out of the Box, Ars Electronica Festival, Deep Space 8K, Linz (AT).
Audiovisual composition: Ulf Langheinrich
Time-gradient software: Nicolaus Völzow
Research software environment: Matthias Härtig
Research hardware environment: Dirk Langheinrich
Production: EPIDEMIC (Richard Castelli, Chara Skiadelli, Florence Berthaud), ART VAN BORS, ARS ELECTRONICA
Supported by Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz, Gemeente Waadhoeke
Thanks to Lucie and Herman Homan, Gunter Neumann, Jip and Wies Noest, Gelske and Ytzen van de Werff, Martin ter Schure |